Welcome to my blog live from Trondheim and Svalbard. I have been lucky enough to be invited by the Norwegian Coastal Administration and the MarSafe North project to participate on this tour on KV Svalbard from the 9th to the 16th of August. The main objective of the tour is to investigate potential port of refuge at Svalbard, with regards to environmental vulnerability, sea bottom conditions, sea map coverage (ENC), communication infrastructure etc. I will try to update the blog every day, provided that communication links are available.... :-) Please do not hesitate to add comments.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I've heard rumours that commenting is not possible....try now!!


  1. You write: "85 years ago Svalbard was included in the Norwegian territory"

    This is not correct. The basis for the Norwegian jurisdiction on Svalbard is the Svalbard Treaty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Treaty.

    "All signatories were given equal rights to engage in commercial activities (mainly coal mining) on the islands." -- under Norwegian jurisdiction, it is neutral zone, and military installations and activities are not allowed.

    Svalbard is not "Norwegian territory".
    Whether there is a 'nationality'(Svalbardians?)is a different question.

    Ivar Fylling
